Time series
- Video: ritvikmath’s “Time Series Talk” playlist (available on YouTube)
The distinction between typical regression (interpolation) and time series prediction (extrapolation) is particularly illuminating
- Open book: Hyndman and Athanasopoulos “Forecasting: Principles and Practice”
- Video: Aileen Nielsen’s Scipy 2019 tutorial: Moden Time Series Analysis
Feature selection
Feature engineering
- Library documentation: Feature-engine — A Python library for feature engineering for machine learning
Neural network fundamentals
- Videos and articles: Deeplizard Machine learning & deep learning fundamentals
Computer science
- Video: Art of the problem’s “What is complexity theory” (The concept of polynomial time is well explained)
- Video: Sorting algorithms by Computerphile
- Video: Genetic algorithms by Computerphile
- Articles: Optimization guide by neos
Recommendation system
- Video: PyConCA talk by Jill Cates: How to design and build a recommendation system pipeline in Python
- Video: Basic idea on “how recommender systems work” by Art of the Problem
- Video: Collaborative filtering by ritvkmath
- Video: eBay teck talk: Deep learning for recommender system
- Python libraries: Surprise | LightFM
Information criterion
- Video: Nathan Kutz lecture on Model selection: information criteria
- Video: ritvikmath time series model selection AIC&BIC
- Video: ANOVA vs. AICc by YouTube channel Methods in Experimental Ecology I